Innovation Week

About Innovation Week: Students in Entrepreneurship-The Business Model and Digital Media Strategies classes will apply design thinking to solve problems during our second Innovation Week Sept. 25-29, 2017.

Challenges for Fall 2017

Professor Snider’s Challenges

1. After 130+ years, the Times-Delphic student newspaper is considering stopping the presses. It is open to the idea of no longer existing in print form. But it must continue to serve as a news and information source for students on Drake University campus. What should this new source of information look like? How can the staff still remain a viable source of information in the year 2017 and beyond.

2. Drake University classes don’t look all that different than they did when most of your professors were in college. But students and technology definitely have changed in that timespan. What should Drake University classes look like in a world of mobile phones, laptop computers and augmented reality?

Professor Swartwood’s Challenges


After 130+ years, the Times-Delphic student newspaper is considering stopping the presses. It is open to the idea of no longer existing in print form. But it must continue to serve as a news and information source for students on Drake University campus. What should this new source of information look like? How can the staff still remain a viable source of information in the year 2017 and beyond.


Develop the talents and skillset of creative entrepreneurs and emerging artists
Greater Des Moines has been named the fastest growing region in the Midwest. Arts and culture organizations and activities are positively correlated with greater civic engagement, economic prosperity, and quality of life. While Des Moines and surrounding communities in Central Iowa continue to grow and to mature into places with a greater sense of identity, the time is ripe to enhance the role of the arts and culture sector in building stronger communities.

  • Strategies from the research and Steering Committee retreat and review:
    Formalize a network of existing creative entrepreneurs and new artist working spaces, maker-spaces, and independent gallery and performance venues.
  • Explore a physical hub for networking, training, mentorship, and support services.
  • Improve opportunities and tools for artists to develop business skills.
  • Establish a creative arts education strategy to prepare K-12 students to pursue careers in the creative sector.
  • Develop additional funding models to encourage emerging/entrepreneurial artists.

Past Challenges: Spring 2017

Central Iowa Shelter & Services

Overview: CISS currently trains people for jobs in gardening and greenhouses. Now they are considering opening their own retail location. They need help creating a business model/strategy and the marketing/promotion strategy. Teams may submit either a business strategy or a marketing strategy.

More info: Project brief and answers to questions.

Des Moines Register

Overview: We want you to help us identify a platform and manner in which to engage and build trust among local readers who are passionate about specific local news topics. Help us find a way to create online communities that care about online news.

More info: Project brief.
